
Prof. Benjamin Cohen

Prof. Benjamin Cohen, is Professor of International Political Economy at the University of California at Santa Barbara. His research focuses on international monetary relations, the role of currencies, US foreign policy and economic power. His work on the history and development of the discipline of international political economy is particularly relevant for this project. Prof. Cohen was the originator of the idea of a Trans-Atlantic divide in IPE and the existence of a distinct 'British School'. With some modifications, the Foundations in IPE project is about celebrating and documenting critical scholarship in what Cohen calls the 'British' School. We interviewed Prof. Cohen in November 2020.

Prof. Robbie Shilliam

Prof. Robbie Shilliam is Professor of International Relations in the Department of Political Science at Johns Hopkins University. His research on colonialism and race in world politics has had a profound influence on thinking in, and beyond, IPE. He co-founded the Colonial/Postcolonial/Decolonial working group of the British International Studies Association and is a member of the Global Development section of the International Studies Association. He co-edits the Rowman & Littlefield book series, Kilombo: International Relations and Colonial Question and the new journal International Politics Reviews.

His current research is focused on: a re-reading of classical political economy through its intimate relationship to Atlantic slavery; retrieving Ethiopianism as a critical orientation towards global order; and South-South anti-colonial connections between peoples of the African Diaspora and indigenous movements. He’s written and edited numerous articles and books including Race and the Undeserving Poor: From Abolition to Brexit (2018) and The Black Pacific: Anticolonial Struggles and Oceanic Connections (2015) that feature in the conversation. We interviewed Robbie in June 2020.

Prof. Shirin Rai

This video was recorded in Summer 2020. Prof. Shirin Rai is Professor in the department of Politics and International Studies and the Director of Warwick Interdisciplinary Research Centre for International Development (WICID). Her work on Feminist International Political Economy has had a far reaching impact. She has many different interests spanning feminist theory, political representation and institutions and recently she has focussed on the role of political performance. Her work has influenced the UN’s Division for the Advancement of Women and the UN Development Programme. She has been supported by the Leverhulme Trust and the Political Studies Association. She has served on the editorial boards of the Indian Journal of Gender Studies, the International Feminist Journal of Politics and Global Ethics. She served as a member of the governing council of the International Studies Association and the Political Studies Association named its PhD prize after her in 2017, in recognition of her contribution to the discipline.

Prof. Phil Cerny

Prof. Phil Cerny is Emeritus Professor at Rutgers University and the University of Manchester. He is well known for his IPE contributions to understanding the nature of the international finance system, the Competition State and more recently the related concepts of Trans-National Neo-Pluralism and Heterarchy. He received the Distinguished Scholar Award of the I.P.E. Section of the International Studies Association in 2011 and until recently chaired Research Committee No. 36 (Political Power) of the International Political Science Association.

We interviewed him in the Summer of 2020.

Prof. V Spike Peterson

V Spike Peterson is Professor of International Relations at the University of Arizona. She has held visiting positions at a range of Universities, including the University of Manchester, Bristol, Durham, London School of Economics, Goteborg and the Australian National University. She received separately the LGBTQA (2018) and Feminist Theory and Gender Studies (2004) Eminent Scholar awards from the International Studies Association and the Charles A. McCoy Lifetime Achievement award from the American Political Science Association (2016). Her work on Gendered States, Gender, Sexuality, Race and Family in international relations and on Reproductive, Productive and Virtual Economies are all seminal contributions to the development of International Political Economy as a discipline.

Prof. Randall Germain

This video was filmed in March 2019. Prof. Randall Germain is a professor in the Institute of International Political Economy at Carleton University, Canada. He is a former convenor of the BISA IPEG group, and co-editor of the Routledge/RIPE series in Global Political Economy and has served on the editorial or advisory boards of a number of journals, including the Review of International Studies and the Review of International Political Economy. His teaching and research interests focus on theoretical debates in IPE, global economic governance and the political economy of global finance. His work on money, credit and historicism is foundational to the discipline. He is author of recent books on Financial Governance and on Susan Strange’s contribution to the discipline.

Prof. Stephen Gill

In this episode, recorded in the Summer of 2019, we interview Professor Stephen Gill, Distinguished Research Professor of Political Science, Communications and Culture at York University Toronto. Professor Gill’s work on the political economy of global governance and neo-liberalism is very widely known. He has published on the questions of global power, e.g. his American Hegemony and the Trilateral Commission and on the nature of world order, e.g. the widely cited Power and Resistance in the New World Order, a volume that won the Outstanding Academic Title Award of Choice, the journal of the American Library Association. With co-author David Law, they published on some of the key foundations of IPE in their seminal 17-chapter work, The Global Political Economy: Perspectives, Problems and Policies. More recently he has published work on social reproduction with Prof. Isabella Bakker, also of York University and on his concept of new constitutionalism with Prof. Claire Cutler of the University of Victoria, Canada. His recent work has also focused on questions of global and planetary health and the future of world order in an era of organic crisis. In 2021 He received the Killam Prize in Social Sciences, Canada’s most prestigious academic honour.

Prof. Chris Chase-Dunn

Professor Chris Chase Dunn is Distinguished Professor of Sociology at the University of California Riverside. Prof. Chase Dunn founded the Institute for Research on World Systems at UC Riverside and is also the founding editor of the Journal of World Systems Research. He is active and highly regarded in both the International Studies Association, where he was elected as a Distinguished scholar of the IPE section in 2008, and the American Sociological Association. He has served as President of the Research Committee on Economy and Society for the International Sociological Association.

His work on world systems is very widely known and his focus on the rise and fall of empires and world systems and global state formation is very pertinent to our contemporary world order.

Prof. Marianne Marchand

Prof. Marchand is Professor of International Relations at the Universidad de las Américas Puebla, Mexico where she directs the Canadian Studies Program. In recognition of her work she was promoted to the highest level of the National System of Researchers in Mexico in January 2013. Prof. Marchand is widely published and her books on Feminism/PostModernism/Development and Gender and Global Restructuring were foundational texts in the discipline. In 2007-2008 Marchand was Vice-president of the International Studies Association and in 2017 she received the ISA´s Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Section Eminent Scholar Award. This video was filmed in March 2019.

Prof. Isabella Bakker

Prof. Isabella Bakker is Distinguished Research Professor, York Research Chair and Trudeau Fellow at York University, Toronto. Prof. Bakker’s work is some of the most widely read in International Political Economy, and she is best known for her pioneering work in Social Reproduction Theory. She recently edited a Capital and Class Special Issue on Social Reproduction and her books on the topic are key reference points.

She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and has served as a Fulbright New Century Scholar at the UN Division for the Advancement of Women.

Prof. Bob Denemark

This video was filmed in March 2019, with Prof. Bob Denemark who is Professor of International Political Economy at the University of Delaware. His work focusses on long-run history in of world political economy, theories of IPE and global security studies. He was one of the founding editors of International Studies Perspectives and the founding editor of the IPE Compendium Project, which later became the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies. He has also served on the editorial boards of Review of International Political Economy and Globalizations.

Prof. Craig Murphy

This video was filmed in March 2019, Prof. Craig Murphy, who is Betty Freyhoff Johnson ’44 Professor of Political Science. He is one of the most well-known scholars of critical International Political Economy. He has made contributions to general IPE theory, development studies and his work on processes of international organisation is a cornerstone of IPE. His most recent book with JoAnne Yates of MIT’s Sloan School of Management focusses on Private Standard Setting in the international system, and is published by Johns Hopkins University Press.

The Prof. Robert W. Cox Memorial, March 2019

This video was filmed at the Robert Cox Memorial Panel at the International Studies Association Convention in March 2019. Prof. Cox was one of the founding figures of critical IPE, and it is our honour to launch our videos with this recording, which serves as an ideal introduction to the Foundations of IPE interview project.

It is introduced by Prof. Stephen Gill from York University Canada.

Other speakers are

Prof. Helen Pellerin, University of Ottawa, Prof. Randolph Persuad American University Washington DC, Prof. V Spike Peterson from the University of Arizona, Prof. Craig Murphy Wellesley College, Prof. James Mittleman, American University Washington DC, Prof. Eric Helleiner, University of Waterloo, Ontario.

This video is shared in memory of Robert W. Cox (1926-2018).