About the project

The Foundations in IPE project is supported by the British Academy, Leverhulme Foundation, Universities of Manchester and Derby between 2018-2020. The project will collect and publish podcast and video interviews with some of the foundational thinkers in International Political Economy.

The project is led by Prof. Alexander Nunn and Dr Stuart Shields.

Alexander Nunn

I am Professor of Global Political Economy at the University of Derby. My recent research programme focusses on 'the New Politics of Inequality' and works at several different spatial scales from the global to the very local. I was British International Association IPE Group Co-Convenor between 2014-2016. You can find out more about my work at my University web page and my academia.edu page.

Stuart Shields

I teach International Political Economy at the University of Manchester. In 2005 I became founding secretary of the Critical Political Economy Research Network of the European Sociological Association. I was coordinator of the British International Studies Association IPE working group between 2008 and 2011. From 2016 to 2019 I served as a member of the committee of the Robert and Jesse Cox awards for critical scholarship in International Politics for the International Studies Association. My 2012 book The International Political Economy of Transition (Routledge) was nominated for the 2013 IPEG prize and I co-edited Critical IPE: Dialogue Debate Dissensus (Palgrave 2011). My university webpage is here.